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Application Integration Leverage the Power of Shadowbase User Exits

Updated: Dec 29, 2022

Many know Shadowbase to be the leading and most sophisticated data replication product for NonStop, but, equally as impressive, are Shadowbase’s lesser known value adds, like application integration (AI). Shadowbase offers the ability to integrate disconnected silo applications via seamless data exchange in a shared consistent form. One of the key factors that makes this possible is the Shadowbase User Exits feature.

User Exits enables the inclusion and execution of customized user logic (program code) at various points in the Shadowbase replication stream. The feature also provides capabilities that are more complex than the scripting language. User Exits is extremely flexible, enabling almost any kind of data transformation, which enriches the data required by the target application, thusly enabling maximum flexibility for source and target feeds.

User Exits can be used for:

  • Complex data transformation

  • Data scrubbing and cleansing

  • Data content filtering

  • Field splits and merges

  • Data integration from other sources

As a Gravic partner, TIC Software specializes in providing consulting services and add-on products to ensure that Shadowbase users get the most out of User Exits. We focus on helping customers implement special custom logic in-data transformation, as well as optimizing the performance of their user exit code.

Our TAG (TIC AWS Gateway) product utilizes Shadowbase User Exits to intercept NonStop audit trail changes and propagate them to AWS S3 data buckets. In doing so, this provides the flexibility of cloud-based replication. In our consulting projects, we help customers review ways to optimize their User Exits and help increase their performance by as much as 50%.

In summary, the Shadowbase User Exit capability opens a whole world of possibilities of data transformation and application integration. Contact Gravic and TIC Software to learn how we can help you leverage that power.

Read More TAG (TIC AWS Gateway) blogs:


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Phil Ly is the president and founder of TIC Software, a New York-based company specializing in software and services that integrate NonStop with the latest technologies, including Web Services, .NET and Java. Prior to founding TIC in 1983, Phil worked for Tandem Computer in technical support and software development.




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