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LightWave Client Connects NonStop to Financial Services

Updated: Dec 30, 2022

The use of RESTful APIs opens up a world of possibilities to financial institutions and allows companies to access easily services and exchange customer data. Using lightweight components like REST and JSON significantly reduces the learning curve and enables a quicker time-to-market.

One of our NonStop customers uses LightWave Client to access FIS Smart Loan, a real-time inventory management / deal management system, which is part of the Loanet Solution suite. Smart Loan is a modular application that automates securities lending and borrowing, collateral management, short sale authorizations, real-time P&L, and other related functions.

The Smart Loan Short Sale interface provides a real time CPU-to-CPU interface, which allows users to provide short sale inquiry requests between their computer system and the Smart Loan system.  This Web API request is modeled on the REST architecture for the request and response. Using LightWave Client, our customer was able to establish the connection to the Short Sale REST interface easily and develop its application quickly.

One can build a NonStop application to interface to FIS Loanet easily with these 4 simple steps using Lightwave Client:

  • Create API Definition in Design-Time using a web browser GUI Console

  • Generate DDL source from API

  • Compile DDL source to generate IPM Copybook

  • Configure LightWave Client for Run-Time to work with your application


More and more financial service firms are using RESTful API as an integral part of their web portals and mobile applications, which are accessed by their customers and partners. Adopting REST enables companies to bring their offerings to market more quickly by facilitating connectivity from their client base via a standard interface. Using LightWave Client enables NonStop users to access these new offerings easily and extend their applications by using an industry standard interface.

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Phil Ly is the president and founder of TIC Software, a New York-based company specializing in software and services that integrate NonStop with the latest technologies, including Web Services, .NET and Java. Prior to founding TIC in 1983, Phil worked for Tandem Computer in technical support and software development.




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