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Modernizing Legacy Applications

Scott Pasho

Updated: Dec 29, 2022

A three-part series by Scott Pasho:

BluAge and TIC Software have helped dozens of HP NonStop, IBM and other organizations keep their legacy systems current with ever-evolving technology. Upgrading systems to meet both current and future business needs and positioning their clients’ to proactively address challenges in the marketplace.

This series will outline three subject areas of legacy modernization:

  • I – Legacy Application Modernization – IT flexibility & business opportunity

  • II – Modernization Solutions – automating application architecture

  • III – Measuring Modernization Productivity – measuring metrics for tangible benefits

Part I – Legacy Application Modernization – IT flexibility & business opportunity

Users and supports of legacy systems frequently view major upgrades to their business-critical legacy applications as a daunting task fraught with potential pitfalls. In reality, if done correctly with the right team and technology, this process can be relatively seamless and lead to a great many benefits for both the organization and its’ customers.

As technology continues to evolve, keeping computer hardware and software current becomes paramount to the ability to continue to support the health of a firm’s IT structure, and therefore the operation of the business. The solution focus becomes what are the application modernization options and how to best determine which path to take, but first we must ask ourselves:

Why Modernize Legacy Applications?

Modernizing legacy systems addresses current and future business needs through the addition of current applications into existing platforms – integrating newer features and benefits. Adding timely technology to applications, for instance the leveraging of web-based protocols, enables better data utilization through enhanced access, analysis, reporting, communication and storage.

Data security and business intelligence are both greatly enhanced as well through legacy modernization. Leveraging current technology enables powerful business tools for real-time intelligence via integrated data delivery and analysis. Modernization innovations also provide for much more secure information protocols – a great advantage for today’s data-centric organizations.

What about the Costs?

In addition to reducing IT support expenses, integrating web services into legacy applications gives new e-business features, while cutting administrative and development costs. E-business and data architecture are also simplified, while flexibility is increased.

In part II of this series, “Legacy Modernization Solutions – automating application architecture” we’ll discuss an approach to legacy application modernization and the features of an innovative solution.


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Scott Pasho has over 20 years marketing communications management & copywriting experience in diverse industries including high technology (software, hardware, IT), healthcare, & financial services. General manager of a boutique advertising agency for three years, and founded my own agency in 2004.

Specialties: Ability to creatively position products and services through collateral materials for BtoB and BtoC audiences.


TIC Software, a New York-based company specializing in software and services that integrate NonStop with the latest technologies, including Web Services, .NET and Java. Prior to founding TIC in 1983, Phil worked for Tandem Computer in technical support and software development.




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